New B2B and B2C cash transaction limit postponed until 2024 .
As part of the Polish Deal, the limit on cash transactions between enterprises (B2B) was to be changed, as well as the limit on cash transactions between enterprises and consumers (B2C) was to be introduced. However, the legislator postponed the date of introducing new cash limits in B2B and B2C transactions until 2024.
Currently, the cash transaction limit is 15,000. PLN and applies only to transactions between companies. This means that transactions to which entrepreneurs are parties cannot be paid in cash if the total sum of the transaction, regardless of the number of resulting payments, exceeds PLN 15,000. PLN or the equivalent of this amount in a foreign currency converted into PLN according to the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland on the last working day preceding the day of the transaction. This restriction was introduced in order to extend the control of tax offices over the flow of funds on company bank accounts.
Paying for transactions worth more than 15,000 PLN without the use of a bank account has tax consequences. In such a situation, pursuant to Art. 22p of the PIT Act or art. 15d. Pursuant to the CIT Act, entrepreneurs conducting non-agricultural activities may not include the expenditure in the part in which the transaction amount exceeding PLN 15,000 as tax deductible costs. PLN was not made via a bank account. What matters is the actual form of payment, not the method of payment declared on the invoice.
The provisions of the Polish Order were to reduce the limit of cash transactions in B2B relations from 15,000 to 15,000 from 1 January 2023. PLN up to 8 thousand PLN and introduce a new cash limit for B2C transactions of PLN 20,000. PLN, however, the government postponed the date of entry into force of the changes in this regard until January 2024.